China Wholesale Supplier

China Wholesale Supplier
all kinds of electronics


Very clean and nice looking website with insane prices is a Honk Kong based website that offers extremely cheap gadgets- it is very similar to lightinthebox ,dealextreme if you have experienced that website. has a really clean, neat and fresh look to it in my opinion which makes it a pleasant site to shop from. Like other Honk Kong websites their prices are unbelievably good- in particular they seem to run a promotion on and off where you can get a black ipod nano skin for a cent including postage and packaging. I don't have an ipod nano however could not resist taking them up on this offer.
Their shipping time seems to be pretty decent from my experience of a few orders. Generally my shipments took somewhere between one and two weeks which is better than acceptable and better than I expected. The only drawback to this website is that there does not seem to be as bigger a community surrounding this website which means that the majority of products on their site do not have reviews to read before you buy.
This makes buying from them something of a gamble- but with their prices, the stakes are low and it is a gamble that has always paid off for me- I am just about to buy a case for a Nintendo DS for 44p including p&p- how can I lose?

Naturally many people will order in them and sometimes in BULK. Then eventually the items that you order will be out of stock in no time. Well, I did order a popular product so it is not a surprise in my part. Besides, their customer service is very attentive. They informed me right away about the status of my order, telling me that I could get a refund or just wait until they will have my order in their inventory. Knowing these two options, I choose the third option. I just replace my order by other items.

One thing I also noticed about is that they seem much faster in dispatching the items than usual, just need 2 days can be arranged the shipment.

*Quality Issue
The products they are selling are non-brands but very noticeable they are copies of some popular Brands (see my articles about selling Brand Name in China). Don’t be disappointed because you are expecting like what you imagined. Keep always in mind that “You Get What You Pay For”. Make sure that you take much attention on the feedbacks of the former customers that bought those products (if the reviews are available).

There are many people always complaining about ‘USED’ goods, keep in mind that most of the countries; if the items came from CHINA especially the goods that are labeled as a “gift” are most commonly checked by CUSTOMS, and for my experience working in logistics. These items will be boxed – out and don’t repackage the items properly. So if you can’t live with those facts. I recommend that don’t order overseas.

I Think It Is Much Better To Check Their Website and Verify It yourself

